How Tos

Articles Discussing Features of the New Phone System

How to: Transfer to Voicemail from Grandstream Phones
For the Grandstream phones in the office, here are the steps to complete a transfer to voicemail: While on a call, press the Transfer Button once, the s...
Tue, 1 Mar, 2022 at 8:54 AM
Change Voicemail Greeting or PIN via Phone
This document will walk you through changing your voicemail PIN or greeting via your phone. Dial 99999 from your phone Enter the PIN that was sent t...
Mon, 7 Mar, 2022 at 9:35 AM
How Do I Answer a Call That is Ringing Another Extension
Dial *20*extension that is ringing. Example: Extension 50050 is ringing in the office, and the person at 50051 wants to answer the call for them ...
Tue, 8 Mar, 2022 at 11:57 AM
How to: Transfer Calls via Grandstream Phones
1. With someone on the line press the Transfer button, as indicated below: 2. The system defaults to an Attended Transfer(AttTrnf). Enter the number or e...
Thu, 17 Mar, 2022 at 7:56 AM
How to: Page a Single Classroom Phone
To call directly into a classroom phone's speaker, dial *80 -> Extension. The classroom phone will pick up and you will have open communication with ...
Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 at 10:24 AM