1. With someone on the line press the Transfer button, as indicated below:

2. The system defaults to an Attended Transfer(AttTrnf). Enter the number or extension you would like to transfer the call to and press the AttTrnf button. This type of transfer requires that the person you are transferring the call to picks up the call. When they answer you can debrief them on the caller and then press the AttTrnf button one last time to send the call to the person.

If you would like to transfer a call without talking to the person, see step 3 below.

3. To perform a Blind Transfer(BlindTrnf) (no interaction with the person you are transferring the call to), press the transfer button as shown in Step 1. Then press the BlindTrnf button to switch to this transfer mode. Dial the number or extension you would like to transfer the call to, then press the BlindTrnf button one last time to send the call directly to the destination.